An anonymous Senate member has placed a “hold” on President Obama's nomination of Ari Ne'eman (pronounced NAYmen) to the National Council on Disability (NCD). The hold prevents the nomination from being sent to the Senate floor for a vote. Mr. Ne'eman , the 22 year old founder of the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network, has Autism and is high-functioning. When—and if— confirmed, he will be the first person with Autism to serve on the NCD.
Some critics are concerned about Ne'eman's youth and lack of experience, but others have more specific concerns. Jonathan Shestack, co-founder of Autism Speaks, a group dedicated to financing cure-based Autism research and the largest Autism advocacy group in the
The Senate recently confirmed President Obama’s other seven NCD nominees.
Ari Ne’eman and the Controversy Over an Autism Cure
Nominee to Disability Council Is Lightning Rod for Dispute on Views of Autism