July 26th is the 19th anniverary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Since many VR counselors and other rehabilitation professionals aren’t working on the actual anniversary day of the ADA, Sunday July 26, the Center for Consumer and External Affairs decided to commemorate the spirit of the ADA on Thursday, July 23. Wear something red on Thursday to show your support of independence for people with disabilities!
The anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act...thanks for the reminder. On Thursday, I will definitely show support of independence for individuals with disabilities. As rehabilitation professionals it is important that we honor significant dates relating to individuals with disabilities.
I will wear red. Red being a strong and powerful color is a great choice to show advocacy and representation. It is very important we as Rehabbers tribute days like this.
I didnt even know there was a designated color for the ADA anniversary!!! And it also happens to be my favorite color!! Ill make sure to wear red...
According to Wikipedia, “In human color psychology, red is associated with heat, energy, and blood, and emotions that "stir the blood", including anger, passion, and love” and “is also used as a symbol of courage and sacrifice.” So knowing that, it is really no wonder that the color chosen to be worn in commemoration of the ADA is red. The ADA is all about energy, passion, courage and sacrifice!! I will make sure that I wear red tomorrow!
Wow! Good to know that there are Special days that commenmorate and support the independence for people with disabilities and then its a shame because i just saw the new and the McAllen post office got a new post master and he kicked a man who has had polio since childhood who cannot walk and has poor motor function on his hands and has supported his family for doing this there for 20 years...thats sad i wish i could go paint the post office red and tell him that independance is the goal for people with disabilities and it sucks that other citizens in society put these people back... adriana
oops i forgot to put the main part the individual sales pens and key chains in order to support two kids and a wife who is partially blind (Arem Pena) was his name and he is looking for a business where he can continue to do this to help his family in case anyone knows so call news channel 5 or email me on our online webct and i will forward to news channel 5.. laters adriana
I'm always pleased when people do what they can to commemorate a cause they truly believe in. Wearing red as a symbol of commemoration is a pretty neat gesture and I think that it is important to parallel the wardrobe with vocal recognition of the day. The ADA's 19th Anniversary is a reflection of a very pivotal time in history that has aided individuals with disabilities to gain the respect and services they need and deserve.
Maggie Ybarra
REHS 6300
I think it is such a lovely cause to celebrate. The anniversary of the ADA is such a major milestone in the world of rehabilitation and for people with disabilities. Hooray!
Jeanette G.
I think it is great to all unite and support independence fro individuals with dissabilities. I think we all should show support and really recongize this special day.
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