President Barack Obama made the following comments recently for National Disability Employment Awareness Month, encouraging the Federal government to take a more proactive leadership role in employing persons with disabilities:
"My Administration is committed to ensuring that all Americans have the chance to fulfill their potential and contribute to our nation. …Across this country, millions of people with disabilities are working or want to work, and they should have access to the support and services they need to succeed. As the nation’s largest employer, the Federal Government and its contractors can lead the way by implementing effective employment policies and practices that increase opportunities and help workers achieve their full potential. We must also rededicate ourselves to fostering an inclusive work culture that welcomes the skills and talents of all qualified employees. That’s why I’ve asked the responsible agencies to develop new plans and policies to help increase employment across America for people with disabilities."
Full Text of President Obama’s Proclamation for NDEAM: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Presidential-Proclamation-National-Disability-Employment-Awareness-Month/
I’m glad that president Obama is encouraging the Federal Government to take leadership in employing persons with disabilities and is wanting agencies to be responsible for developing new plans and policies to aid in the increase of employment for persons with disabilities. With the increasing number of persons with disabilities and with people living longer, it is important to remember that these individuals can still work, with the proper accommodations and training to do so. It is also good that President Obama made this comment because more often than not employers discriminate against potential employees who have disabilities. I also agree that by the Federal Government taking the leadership in this, they can lead by example and show other agencies what needs to be done in the workforce for persons with disabilities. People should also be given the opportunity to exhibit what they are capable and should be able to contribute and be a part of society.
Alexandria A.
I must say it bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart to hear such words of encouragement directed towards the Federal government as to taking a much more proactive role in employing individuals with disabilities from the President of the United States, Barack Obama. It is inspiring to hear such passion and determination for change spoken so loud and clear for all to hear. Let me say one thing I am genuinely surprised to learn that the President is such an advocate for the rights of individuals with disabilities and also that he acknowledges the need to include them in our work culture as he expressed the necessity of the government to realize that they too have skills and talents that are beneficial in the work place and ultimately for the entire country as they too can and want to contribute to our society. Gloria P.
This article makes me very happy and proud of president Obama. Actually I am not a political person, and I have to confess that I rarely feel admiration for politicians. However, this time I had a déjà vu. When B. Obama won the presidential election I was living in San Francisco, California where the majority of people are democrat. When it was officially announced that Obama won A LOT of people went out to celebrate. It was a huge celebration!! The streets were so crowded. People were opening bottles of wine and dancing. I saw a lot of young people and people of minority groups. They were celebrating the new era, the era of change. The police closed the streets to protect the celebration and I could see that they were very happy as well. The music and the energy of the people were very intense. However, I have to confess that my dark side came out and I thought…”let see for how long people are going to admire the new president”… It’s been almost one year since that day, and I am so excited not only for my memories of that day, but also for what president Obama is doing in the present. It is going to have a great impact in the life of PWD!
Irma Corbi
True leadership begins with proactivity and President Obama has exemplified that in his recent comment about National Disability Employment Awareness. It is comforting that he acknowledges the Federal Governent as "the nation's largest employer" and reaching one's full potential, is a priority. With all the issues surrounding the President, I am pleased with his approach to dealing with this long-standing issue and believe in time, employment opportunities will be attainable for all.
Maggie Ybarra
REHS 6345
I"m glad that President Obama is encouraging the nation to employ persons with disabilities. Within the past two weeks there have been such exhibitions of Workforce in combinations with DARS (Dept. of Rehabilitative Services) Dept hosting forums to help educate the employers as to the benefits of employing persons with disabilities. Such benefits include tax credits, educational benefits that will provide the employers with such incentives as getting your employee trained for the job at no cost and those tax credits that will help at the end of the year. Most employers still are in the dark as to the definition of "disability" and fear that hiring a person with a disability is going to be costly and is not in their best interest. I think it's great that the federal government is promoting this, but there needs to be a continuance of such promotions. I think that if federal agencies advertised more often on these incentives, employers would take advantage of them and hire persons with disabilities. I think that having these forums once a year limits the availability of employers to just one day. Especially during this recession we are in, employers are not looking to hire extra persons right now, but whose to say what will happen in 3-4 months...maybe hosting another forum before the summer months would be beneficial and serve its purpose - to hire persons with disabilities. None the less - great thing the federal government is doing in helping to promote the abilities and not the disabilities that person have!
It’s awesome to have a president who supports people with disabilities. People with disabilities are already burdened with a multitude of issues, but the vocational issue is a biggie for sure. It is especially relevant what President Obama had to say considering that the unemployment trend right now in our country is horrible. People without disabilities are being laid off left and right. So imagine how people with disabilities are coping with this national epidemic? I truly empathize with them. That’s why I think it’s so great that our president is encouraging the federal government to be “proactive” about hiring people with disabilities. I think it’s these kinds of actions that define what type of a leader a person truly is. It’s not a conservative or a liberal issue, but merely a compassion one. Are you the type of leader that exhibits compassion for people who are most in need? I think this is a good question to ask of a politician the next time we decide to vote for a candidate.
Vanessa C. (6345)
I find Obama's comments inspiring. The fact that the US elected an African American illustrates how far we have come in achieving equality; however, we still have a long way to go, and I am happy Obama is addressing the issue. People with disabilities do not get the same attention as other minorities, because often discrimination is not so apparent. I am glad Obama wants the government to take a stand, and I hope that his administration works hard to implement positive changes in the hiring practices of people with disabilities.
I am glad to hear that our President is taking some action towards people who have a disability. Knowing that he wants them to work and recognizing them will mean a lot to those who are seeking a job with a disability. With the proper accommodations and training they will be as successful as the other person. It's good to know our leader acknowledges that these individuals can work and are willing to work. With Federal Government taking the role as the leader in this will allow other employers not to discriminate when employing and give them the chance to show them what they are capable of.
Erika P.
People with disabilities deserve the right to use of their skills and abilities in order to contribute to society. They are like any other trying to live day by day by providing for themselves. I hope by the statement given by President Obama employers will see that people with disabilities should be given an equal opportunity like everyone else. If employers are more open to being fair in pay and providing jobs maybe people with disabilities would be encouraged enough to apply for more jobs rather than feeling rejected and discrminated against.
gabby S
It is good to hear that president Barack Obama is calling for a month of National Disability Awareness, encouraging the Federal government to take a proactive leadership role in employing individuals with disabilities, but I wonder why does society did not hear about this? Why did the media forget to mention this proactive approach from the government? It would have been good to hear on regular television that the government was implementing effective employment policies and practices that increase opportunities and help workers achieve their full potential. If this administration is committed to ensure that all Americans have the chance to fulfill their potential, in my opinion the government needs to communicate better to employers and general public in order to make their voice alive.
Mary T.
As I reviewed the proclamation made by President Obama I thought about the courses I have taken in the masters program at UTPA. The words that jumped out at me were "we rededicate ourselves to fostering an inclusive work culture that welcomes the skills and talents of all qualified employees." Work culture is one of the most important factors that will determine whether a person will stay in a job setting or opt to leave. Although laws help in the employment of individual, the work culture within a setting could not be as inviting. Proclaiming September as National Disability Employment Awareness Month is a great way to begin a reform in work culture. Every business and facility adopts its own culture. These could be called sub-cultures. I was at a workshop and the speaker was talking about this very subject. She illustrate the concept of work culture by telling us about a woman in Japan. This woman was working in a very big corporation run mainly by men. She was at a great disadvantage because the men usually gathered in Geisha houses after work to relax and unwind. In many instances, these outing became opportunities to talk about business and make important decisions. Since women were not allowed in Geisha houses, the women were at a disadvantage. The next day they would arrive to work and learn that many of the projects they were working on had been completely changed, eliminated, or new ideas were created. The same happens with many people with disabilities. They may be misunderstood by fellow workers and may not be accepted into the work culture, thus disenfranchising them of the opportunity to become part of the work culture. This in the long run will lead to insecurities within the employees and the person with a disability. Raising awareness will help break down the barriers and eliminate misconceptions that will allow workers to perform in harmony. An environment where people can work in unison is a great environment to work in. We want work environment that maximize our skill and not our physical disabilities. After all, the United States is a country that believes in diversity.
It’s great that our president is advocating for employment in favor of people who have disabilities. Right now the job market seems to be getting slimmer and more competitive, with numerous requirements for a simple position. Although our President may have the right idea when speaking about rededicating ourselves, the American public has no say if that person with a disability is going to get hired. Now, when it comes to “new plans and policies” that’s another advancement for equality in the job market for PWD. Although these policies may not be done or may not come into effect immediately they are still cooking. I am excited to see that president Obama has come up to the plate on this one but it makes us wonder if we will in fact see a change or if this will just be another page in an employee’s rights handbook.
Joseph G.
It’s all well and good that Obama is making pledges and proclaiming an “Awareness month”, but I’m not really sure what type of “meat” this proclamation will hold. As with politicians before, many promises are made and even ore tend to be broken. Yes it’s great because awareness is a stepping stone to eliminate discrimination, stigmatization and negative societal attitudes, however, is the federal government ready to stand up for people with disabilities to the full extent of the law? Many may be skeptical to this “change” promised by the current president of our great country, as I am, yet, there is hope for change, but I’m not so sure the agenda the president is following will lead to much regarding this issue. IF in fact, Obama turns his words into actions that bear good fruit, I will admit that I was wrong and I will accept my erroneous thinking, but until then, I remain skeptical and won’t hold my breath to any significant action from the hand of our 44th president.
--Elizabeth C.P.
It is really good to know that President Obama is taking action and making it proactive to employ more persons with disabilities. This is something that can make a difference in people's lives and including their families. I believe it will make changes in different aspects in their way of living in a more positive way. It just makes me happy that the President is also making it more aware to our nation that people with disabilities should have access, support & services, and contribution in the working environment in our nation. Hopefully, it could also make other people aware that some people with disabilities are not to be seen as the sick or dumb but as the qualified skilled employee in our nation. :)
Sylvia Garza
It is really good to know that President Obama is taking action and making it proactive to employ more persons with disabilities. This is something that can make a difference in people's lives and including their families. I believe it will make changes in different aspects in their way of living in a more positive way. It just makes me happy that the President is also making it more aware to our nation that people with disabilities should have access, support & services, and contribution in the working environment in our nation. Hopefully, it could also make other people aware that some people with disabilities are not to be seen as the sick or dumb but as the qualified skilled employee in our nation. :)
Sylvia Garza
Props for the big man in Washington, It about time someone addressed the issue of individuals who are disabled wanting to be considered and having equal opportunity to a job/career. Although there have been laws and Acts enforced to protect individuals with a disability from discrimination, it still occurs more than we would like. It is very rare for me to enter any kind of buissness and see an employee with a disability. I can honestly say that the only place I have really seen employees with a disability is Wal-Mart. I would really like to see a numerous amounts of buissnesses to open their doors of employment to individuals with a disability.
YAY! I am glad he is bringing this up! The Federal Goverment should take initiative to encourage employers to accomodate to people with disabilities. It is good because this also encourages people with disabilites to work and feel acceptepted in the workforce. There are many individuals that want to work and that can work for fear of not being accepted and accomodated in their jobs, but with goverment encouranging this will help them a lot. I am glad that this is happening because it also raised awareness to this current problem.
Ana R.
I am impressed that president Obama is proactive towards persons with disabilities. This sounds really exciting I just hope he keeps his word and does put in a lot of effort to make this possible. People with disabilities have the highest rate in unemployment. In most cases it is the employers who still have that stigma towards persons with disabilities either that will need a lot of days off or that they will be expensive to have as an employer. For him to stand up for persons with disabilities could have an impact on employers to be willing to hire more persons with a disability. This I hope will help persons with disabilities sustain gainful employment.
Crystal Sanchez
To hear that the President of the United States, Barack Obama, explicitly stated that he would like to see “all” individuals treated as equals pleased me very much. Individuals that have a documented disability are usually segregated from the “normal” society as we call it. These people are discriminated against even though society denies it, but we have all seen it at least once. I have seen a very well qualified individual over passed for a job position and then the employer gives the position to someone who does not have merely enough qualifications just because the qualified person was in a wheel chair. I agree with Mr. Obama about getting different agencies to participate in the planning of disabled people getting jobs. I do believe a lot of the policies from employment places need to change because if they don’t we are going to continue discriminating against the disabled without even knowing; after all I thought we were the “United States”, no more discrimination!
Elizabeth G (REHS 6345)
Wow! I am kinda caught in this one... I applaud and am glad that such an inspirational person as President Obama would push for A National Disability Employment Awareness Month" and that he wants the federal government to start making plans and laws to help get more PWD to use there abilities and "fulfill there potential by contributing to or nation"; however, i think he needs to worry about how our economy is being run first and the situation we are in (one of the highest unemplyment rates ever for all persons) before trying to make plans and laws that get PWD to work. He needs to create more programs that will help PWD develop skills that todays society needs in the job force (for example, my mother is disabled and able to work at least part time in an office with light work yet she is not computer literate so she needs a program that will help her develop the skills needed for "today's" jobs that she has no prior training on but due to her disability has to make the field change), not just require employers or facilities to include PWD, and that goes for all individuals (Race or sex)which are areas that are also discriminated in in the work feild. I like Obama because he give Americans "Hope", "hope for change", but sometimes he says some things that seem unrealistic and actually give "false hope" in a sense.
Adriana Correa
I should be very happy to hear President Obama encourage the Federal government and its contractors to implement effective employment policies to expand the opportunities for employment of people with disabilities, but I am a little skeptical. I would really like to see his words followed by actions and we could see that more positive policies are developed and implemented to the benefit of people with disabilities. Unfortunately sometimes political and economic measures aren’t compatible. It’s required to compromise, financial resources, efforts and dedication to obtain this purpose. It would be very good to see politicians and members of the federal government use the “disability team” shirt.
I think that is an excellent idea for president Obama to encourage the government to take the initiative of employing persons with disabilities. It is beneficiary for people with disabilities since they can also feel productive and secure of themselves. As humans having a job makes us useful and especially when the job is regarding our career. I imagine that for others are the same and even better when the opportunity is given to us no matter our disabilities. It is true that having a disability might be a little complicated to accomplish the job, but that is why agencies should also accommodated to situations. I believe that there is always a one thing that a person with disability might do better than a person without a disability and the other ways around too. I am glad that president Obama is doing this.
Ivette Martinez
I liked how in his proclamation he mentioned "inclusive work culture". I believe that besides developing legislation and all sorts of awareness, having a culture of including everyone is the way to go. People with disabilities working in any field should be a norm rather than an exception. I'm glad that the President is challenging the Federal Government to take the first step. -Eliana M.
WOW!!! President Barack Obama is really working to help the people of the United States, especially people with disabilities. President Barack Obama has demonstrated by all his acts so far in his presidency, that he is a President who is really working with and for the people of the United States not excluding people with disabilities. Encouraging the Federal government to take a more proactive leadership role in employing persons with disabilities, will definitely be of a lot of help for people with disabilities. This message will encourage a lot of employers, and this message will probably change the minds of a lot more. Nevertheless, the message sent by President Barack Obama on his comments will also inspaire and motivate people with disabilities in their journey to obtain a job. Hopefully, one day there will really be equal employment opportunitie for people with disabilities.
Gabriela L
WOW!!! President Barack Obama is really working to help the people of the United States, especially people with disabilities. President Barack Obama has demonstrated by all his acts so far in his presidency, that he is a President who is really working with and for the people of the United States not excluding people with disabilities. Encouraging the Federal government to take a more proactive leadership role in employing persons with disabilities, will definitely be of a lot of help for people with disabilities. This message will encourage a lot of employers, and this message will probably change the minds of a lot more. Nevertheless, the message sent by President Barack Obama on his comments will also inspaire and motivate people with disabilities in their journey to obtain a job. Hopefully, one day there will really be equal employment opportunity for people with disabilities.
Gabriela L.
It's good to hear that our president supports people with disabilities. I don't think I have ever seen or heard of a president comment on such issues. I think Obama is a great leader, and i like that he promotes justice and equality. In a recent speech he said one of my greatest quotes ever, "It was the call of workers who organized, women who reached for the ballot, a president who chose the moon as our new frontier, and king who took us to the mountain top, and pointed the way to the promised land, yes we can! yes we can to justice and equality." =]
Gary Garcia ~ Med Aspects
Wow, it is so good to see that out president supports people with disabilities. I really think that President Obama is the first president I have heard who really advocates for people with disabilities and reaches out to our country that we should all accept people with disabilities and we should welcome the skills and talents of all qualified employees. I am so happy to see that the president really is trying to make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities, and I truly believe that he will make a lot of good changes to our country in the future.
Blanca Perez
The field of rehabilitation is so lucky to have President Barack Obama as an advocate for individuals with disabilities. It is great that he is asking the Federal Government Agencies to be inclusive to all individuals when it comes to hiring employees. Hopefully this will lead to an increase in employment for individuals with disabilities.
While on campaign he had an online video on his official website which spoke about what he would do if elected president. In the video he talked about people with disabilities for about 10 minutes. In it he talked about restoring ADA rights which have been slowly detorating by various Supreme Court cases. It is refreshing to see that he has kept people with disabilities in mind. Especially throughout these past months where are economic situation has been unstable and now with the sending of 30,000 troops overseas.
-Bibiana Medina
I must say that despite the fact that I was a huge Hillary supporter during the primaries, I am glad that Obama has come to stand for ideals that are important to the common good of people all around the world. It is encouraging for the President to take part on creating awareness of IWD especially with such disabilities as Autism on a steady rise.
I think that it's gives us a sense of empowerment to know that the President has the same beliefs that we do about employing people with disabilities. It's refreshing to see that the government takes a stance when it comes to the rights of people with disabilities. I hope that this will help to educate empolyers and we will see an increase in the employment of people with disabilities within the future.
Cassie Moya
I think that it is wonderful that our president is the one setting the example. He is encouraging employers to hire PWD. Saying that PWD have the capacity to contribute to our society just like any other person can. Way to go Mr. President!! Miguel Garza
As I read this, I couldn't stope thinking about how the country and legistlation is moving forward in regards to rights for people with disabilities and other groups. I liked the way the president gave stated the purpose of this month, he focused on the abilities and qualities instead of the tradition focus of the past which was on the disability. I have herad some advocates that speak aobut employment as having to work around the disability. The way Obama adressed himself, I think was the best way he could have gotten his message across, becasue the disability is not the issue many times, it is the unwillingness to accomodate even though persons with disabilities can be as qualified and productive as other employees. I hope this movement is embraced by the federal governemtn and that they provide better accommodations that will ultimately benefit them as much as the person with a disability.
-Leivy S. Resendiz
Great news to hear the President having interest in helping those with disabilities get jobs, in a much more in-direct way, but at least he is trying or proposing to making changes in plans and policies to increase employment for those with disabilities. Having the president in favor and supporting people with disabilities is a wonderful thing in itself. There were other presidents in the past who did not support legislation for the rights of people with disabilities in the past which lead certain laws to not be passed at that time, but with those who were supportive and like that of President Obama, in this case, we will see changes happen. Hopefully this economy changes sometime in the near future. As it is already affecting even those with degree's, those without disabilities and higher education, it is affecting those without disabilities even more in some instances. I hope Obama continues to be supportive of people with disabilities gaining employment which in then gives us, future professionals, a chance to more jobs in vocational rehab as well. Good job Obama in promoting employment for people with disabilities!
Heather Bocanegra
This proclamation is a major step for the advocacy of people with disabilities is a major part of the work force in this country. The National Disability Employment Awareness Month is a good way to start changing employer's mind set about PWD and thus lead to society's change as well. It is even more important that the government is leading this movement by providing employment opportunities for people with disabilities. By leading through example, the government is demonstrating that PWD are hard working people in need of feeling a part of the working community; contributing to this country's economy but most importantly feeling independent and fulfilling their lives.
Obama is doing positive things for our country by promoting federal legislation to promote people with disabilities to maintain in the workforce and encourage those who wish to pursue employment to follow their dreams. As a mental health professional, I think encouraging employment is essential to every one of your clients, so they can have a sense of well being and feel accomplished. The federal government should also discourage individuals from settling with small amount of monies granted to them by SSDI and offer more incentives for those who want to work or are already working. I believe there are many qualified individuals out there living with a disability who are able to work but lack the motivation or aspiration to do so.
C. Cardona
I believe this idea of inclusive work settings that will allow people with disabilities to reach their potential while contributing to society is a great one. With the movement on inclusive education,where children with disabilities are educated to the greatest extent possible with peers without disabilities, it will only make sense that we talk about inclusive workplaces, where people with and without disabilities work together. I applaud Mr. Obama's decision and speech.
Let's now see how long does it take for us to see our "almost ideal" society, in which there will not be any discrimination in the workplace.
--Leila Flores
i really like what the president has said about jobs and people with dissabilities. It is important that the US goverment establishes a role and leadership for employing PWD. I think if the goverment does not set the example, other companies will not have such a stern motivation or a set standard to measure by. If the president can establish this standard or leadership, i hope to see other establishments follow through and change the standard and concern of all employers.
Eddi Reyes
It seems every time we turn around Obama is doing something good for people with disabilities. I think it is very important that our nation’s leaders taking more active role in helping individuals with disabilities gain employment. Without employment people with disabilities were seeking homeostasis within their lives cannot reach that point because of misconceptions or inability to find a job to discrimination. The presidential administration says it’s committed to have all Americans meet their highest potential and contribute to a greater America. This is very important because every citizen has an innate need to meet their own potential and contribute to the whole and to have to be withheld from that is denying a citizen that basic right. I think the Federal government needs to be more involved in implementing programs and support for people with disabilities and I support a bigger government when it comes to helping people with disabilities in finding gainful employment and making sure they are not discriminated against.
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