Gallaudet University has selected T. Alan Hurwitz as its 10th president. Hurwitz is currently President of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Hurwitz is a longtime state and national level leader. While president of the National Association of the Deaf, he formed the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Alliance, the National Association of the Deaf Youth Leadership position, and established the International Week of the Deaf in conjunction with World Federation of the Deaf, among other achievements. Hurwitz will take his new office at Gallaudet in January 2010, follwoing Robert Davila, Gallaudet President since 2007.
I presume that it must be a tremendous honor joined with a great sense of accomplishment for Dr. T. Alan Hurwitz since the experience that he has acquired through his hard work and dedication involving providing quality higher education for deaf and hard of hearing individuals throughout the years has paid off. It is evident to see that his expertise is valued as he begins a new chapter of his life as the 10th President of Gallaudet University. He will assume the position in January of 2010 and it is quoted that he said “I enthusiastically accept the appointment.” Enthusiasm, Experience, Extensive Education, and Dedication have proven to be most beneficial as great men become and thrive for GREATNESS once more at a time in their lives when giving back seems to take precedence. I wish Dr. Hurwitz the best and await the news of greatness in the making. Gloria P.
Mr. Alan Hurwitz seems to have the necessary experience and dedication to become the new president of Gallaudet University. He defiantly has leadership skills, which he has previously use to empower the Deaf community. One of the building blocks that distinguished his journey is his strong sense of advocacy. And this has been successful throw the various associations he formed like the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Alliance, the National Association of the Deaf Youth Leadership position among others that have been equally successful. Gallaudet University will certainly benefit from Hurwitz’s new ideas. Alan Hurwitz will take his new office in January 2010 will probably leave a mark in the history of the university as many others.
Mariana GG
It’s great! to see Gallaudet a highly known deaf university announce there 2010 president. Dr. T. Alan Hurwitz will assume his duties as President of Gallaudet in January 2010. He is a well know person in the deaf culture, he has accomplished many associations like the deaf and hard of hearing alliance, the National Association of the Deaf Youth Leadership position and others to name. He is obviously an advocate for the deaf community and a great role model for the deaf and hard of hearing. He’s active and involved in a variety of professional and deafness-related organizations. Dr. Hurwitz lectures extensively and he is an author whose works are widely published. Gallaudet has a great leader and advocate. We will hope to hear and see great things from him and this university. I wish him the best!
Erika P
Since I don’t know anything about Dr. Hurwitz, I looked him up. He sounds like a great leader and an even better asset for a university as well. His parents are deaf as well, which is interesting because I think I read a statistic somewhere that stated 90% of deaf people have children who can hear. Regardless of being deaf and living in a society that sees that as a “weakness,” he stepped up the ladder and achieved success in education. That’s why I think it’s so great that he has become the newest president of Gallaudet University. I believe that he will serve as an inspiration to the students he oversees. He doesn’t have to be the president of the university I attend, and he’s still an inspiration for me. I also respect his other accomplishments such as forming different organizations like the National Association of the Deaf Youth Leadership, and so forth. Lots of kudos goes his way.
Vanessa C. (6345)
Gallaudet University’s new president T. Alan Hurwitz, like Lynnae Ruttledge has many accomplishments under his belt, and appears to be a wonderful addition to the University. As a long time national and state level leader it seems that Hurwitz has a lot of knowledge about the Deaf community and with this could probably have more to offer for the faculty, staff, and students of Gallaudet University. Being the son of Deaf parents, he was surrounded by an encouragement of learning, literacy, and good work ethics, which can be extremely in useful in setting and reaching goals for the university.
Alexandria A.
Reading up on Dr. T. Alan Hurwitz, it does not amaze me why he was picked to lead Gallaudet in 2010! This is like a "match made in heaven", not that other past University presidents have not served well, but I think Dr. Hurwitz brings "extras" to the table. For example, being President at NTI will allow him to help the technology department in Gallaudet expand and get better because he has the knowledge that entails technology. He also has a passion for helping the youth of today, which is so beneficial in institutions of higher learning. I think he demonstrates excellent knowledge of how to keep momentums going which is also helpful within institutions of higher learning. All in all, his leadership skills within his present duties, within the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Alliance, and the National Association of the Deaf Leadership demonstrate that he was the best pick to take Gallaudet University and not only keep it, but make it stronger for all future generations that walk through its doors.
I can't help but note the importance of an upbringing and the impact it has one the future of an individual. Deaf People.com noted that "Dr. Hurwitz grew up in a house that emphasized literacy, learning, and the value of work." We would only hope and dream that all children with disabilities are given the same opportunities to thrive and reach new heights. Dr. Hurwitz's parents were also deaf and they provided him with insight and support. It worries me that in the Hispanic culture parents have difficulty understanding that disability does not mean weakness or inability to learn, grow, and work. Sometimes parents cannot provide the appropriate insight because they have not experienced the obstacles faced when there is a disability. Informing the parents that it is important to get community support from others who have experience is very essential. Above all, the insight that Dr. Hurwitz has, through his years of education, work, and success, will be a testament to the students and Gallaudet. Not only is he experienced but also humble and appreciative to have recognized the former President and his efforts.
Dr. T. Alan Hurwitz has to be very honored and proud to be chosen as the 10th president at Gallaudet University. It is also interesting and good to know that he has also been president of the National Association of the Deaf not only that but he has also accomplished other achievements. It just goes to show you that Dr. Hurwitz has dedicated himself to becoming a person with vast leadership and a well chosen candidate for the 10th president position at Gallaudet University.
Sylvia Garza
Wow, this Man sounds very accomplished. What a great replacement for the previous president of Gallaudet. I am assuming that he is Deaf as well. Since the "Deaf President Now" movement a couple of years ago. What an honor for the University to have such a distinguised individual. I am sure it took hard work and great dedication to achieve so many accomplishments. This is great for the student body at Gallaudet University. They really have a great leader to look up too and work had to achieve the same in their lifetime. Who know maybe one of the students now will become the future university president.
I've actually meet some students from Gallaudet University in 2004. There dance team had come down to preform at Corpus Christi Del Mar College Auditorium. It was the first time in history. There individuals gathering from all over Texas to see their performance. They were in Corpus for three days and every show was sold out. It was an awesome experience and talk about everyone being completly insink with one another during their dance routines! Awesome expierence.
This must be a great honor for Dr. T. Alan Hurwitz, but with everything said about him he sure seems to be the best candidate for the job. He certainly has the skills and experience needed to run a university as he has shown as the President of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at the Rochester Institute of Technology. I am sure that he will do an excellent job.
It is good to know that their people out there that are accomplishing what they want in life. I do not know much about Dr. T. Alan Hurwitz but the little I know is that he is a great model for the deaf and hard of hearing. Also, that he is active and very involved in many variety of professional and deafness related organizations. This shows how hard he dedicates his profession and his desires of helping others. I do think that being him the president of Gallaudet it will be great.
Ivette Martinez
First of all, I want to say that all I knew about Dr. T. Alan Hurwitz was after reading the post. Therefore, I looked him up on the Internet, to find more information about him. I found a lot of interesting things about him and his career history. Being currently the President of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at the Rochester Institute of Technology, speaks really good about Hurwitz. He has a very important work experience background that supports his new coming position as the 10th president of the Gallaudet University. In January 2010, when Dr. T Alan Hurwitz takes his position as the president of the Gallaudet University, will probably be a historic day for the University and for the rest of the world. Nevertheless, he will most certainly bring a lot of new an interesting experiences for the students of the University. Lastly, all I could say is good luck and best wishes for his new journey as president of the University.
Gabriela L.
Im sure it is an honor for him to be selected as the 10th president of the Gallaudet University. I am sure he will do a great job because he has such a great leadership background. He has a lot of experience in working with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community and I’m sure he will do a great job. I wish him the best in his new position of leadership at the University.
Blanca Perez
According to the free online encycolopedia, Wikipedia,he came to work for the National Institute for the Deaf in 1970. He started his career there as an educational specialist in RIT's college of engineering. He had been in plenty professional and regular organizations and non-profits that served individuals with hearing impairments. He used to be the president of the National Association of the Deaf and has beeen a big supporter and activist from early on. No wonder he became the 10th president of Rochester. He made a good candidate, and his clear decision to run for the presidential office of the university was a passion. Someone once told me that the best person to hire, isn't by their experience, but by their passion in what they do.
He bestowed a great honor by becoming a president of one of the best colleges, and especially one known for their constant research and finding, along with their advocacy in deaf and hard of hearing studies.
Wow! It seems an amazing accomplishment to become a president of a Univeristy especially the 10th president of Gallaudet. His expierence is very reputable such as forming the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Alliance. I think that speaks volumes of the kind of person you truly are. I think more so than the best education. It shows how much he cares for a certain cause such as advocating for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. I think he is certainly the right pick for Galludet.
-Bibiana Medina
Since I have the concentration in Deafness it's always good to see positive things happening for the Deaf Community. Hurwitz seems like a man who is very involved in Deaf studies and Associations. I'm sure that it must be a great honor to be the 10th president of Gallaudet. I'm sure that he will continue to lead the University in a positive way.
I am glad to hear such a notable person who has been so successful in this field was chosen as the next president for one of the most distinguished universitites for the deaf. Having formed the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Alliance, the National Association of the Deaf Youth Leadership position and establishing International Week of the Deaf in conjunction with World Federation of the Deaf only shows that anyone who is to be chosen for such a position must have an extensive background and experience in the communities and background of people who are deaf and hard of hearing. I can see what great things Mr. T. Alan Hurwitz has already done withing the community of the deaf and hard of hearing and I believe he will do even greater things starting as the tenth president at Gallaudet University beginning in a few weeks. I wish him the best of luck that he may continue to bring his knowledge and experience to the university and the people there.
Heather Bocanegra
Another great accomplishment in the field of rehabilitation and people with disabilities. It looks like Dr. Hurwitz will be a great president of Gallaudet University. I did not know about that university, so I am glad I did some research. I read in an interview with him that appears in www.deafnation.com that he comes from deaf parents who did not achieve his same level of education. He considers his mother as his role model. There was a lot of genuineness in his words at that interview, I liked the way he expressed himself.
--Leila Flores
Becoming the new Gallaudet president is a prestigious honor, it takes to new leaders to strive and push ahead for a better and more inclusive future. Having the experience from the technical institute for the deaf at Rochester will be of great value for Allen Hurwitz, I hope his enthusiasm for the position will continue and take the organization to new Heights of progress. It is said that leadership is the process of gathering the brightest and most promising people around yourself and forging a new path down a road that is seldom taken.
Hurwitz seems like a qualified individual. I think the fact that he is also President of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf only adds to his qualifications. It is nice that through his advancement, he is able to bring about recognition to the Deaf community. I can only hope that with his new position, he will continue to advocate for causes concerning people with disabilities and apply his knowledge in that area to Gallaudet University.
Maggie Ybarra
REHS 6345
Dr. Tracy Alan Hurwitz from Sioux City, Iowa, U.S.A. is where heaven begins...you got to visit the most wonderful sign language show in the silent worl. No queston about it!!!
If we are given him the privilege & honor of serving him we can rest assured that our time with him will memorable ones.
Samuel Edward Dorsey
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