Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New NRCA Capitol Insider Announcements

Capitol Insider Announcements

Disability Rights Publication

Disability Rights Online News is the Department of Justice’s monthly newsletter covering civil rights developments across the country. The September issue includes summaries of ADA, Fair Housing, and National Voting Rights Act cases. See: http://www.ada.gov/disabilitynews.htm.

Disability Research Website

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has launched a new website for the Center of Excellence for Research on Disability Services, Care Coordination and Integration. In May 2010, Office on Disability in HHS awarded Mathematica Policy Research Inc. a two–year, $7 million contract, funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), to establish the center. The Center seeks to: identify and review evidence on effective services and care models; develop and prioritize critical research questions ; create unique linked datasets to help research these question; establish criteria and standards for assessing the effectiveness of services and models; and conduct original research that applies these standards. The Center’s website can be found at: http://www.hhs.gov/disabilityresearch/index.html.

Education Commemoration

This November, in honor of the 35th anniversary of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the U.S. Department of Education and the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services (OSERS) will host a celebration in Washington, D.C. OSERS is seeking input from people who have had a personal experience with IDEA or have witnessed its impact. As part of their celebration, OSERS is welcoming stories, poetry, photography, art work and video clips from individuals with disabilities , students, teachers, principals, researchers, parents, teacher trainers and others across the country for possible inclusion during the celebration. Submissions will be accepted through November 8, 2010 via: https://www.osep-meeting.org/idea35th/.


Sergio Cuevas said...

The Disability Rights Publication offers a great opportunity for the public and people with disabilities to read up on ADA, Fair Housing, and National Voting Rights Act cases. These are important sources to touch upon when wanting to advocate for people with disabilities or when wanting to place a lawsuit against a company for not following the mandated rights a person with disabilities has. I am a true believer in reteaching a content even if has already been mastered. There is always something new to learning about a specific topic. When it comes to learning about civil rights developments about people with disabilities, there is never too much information since cases appear everyday about discrimination against people with disabilities. Each month is a new opportunity to learn a bit more about disability rights online. I am glad the Department of Justice is doing more for people with disabilities by keeping up with current news and showing the public what they need to know. Many times, there is more attention placed on other subjects such as education, war, economy, and politics than on disability rights, but it is shown here that disability rights are still standing strong.

Anonymous said...

I like the way the 35th anniversary of IDEA is going to be commemorated. I believe that knowing about the way IDEA has positively impacted the life of people is a great incentive to continue making the effort to provide free and adequate public education to all children with disabilities in a least restrictive environment.
I. Corbi

Unknown said...

I really like that the 35th celebration of IDEA is requesting from people with disabilities art work. It's great that people with disabilities are a part of this celebration because at the end they are the ones benefiting from it and of course using it. I like that the government leaders do not forge people with disabilities.
Melchora Gracia

Rosemaly Silva said...

For individuals who are new to knowing the right of people with disabilities this is a good website to know. Having access to information regarding ADA, Fair Housing, and National Voting Rights would help them have a better understanding. The more information people have the more grasp one has regarding PWD. Having access to models, criteria, data, and research question is a good point to making when having to make big decision or choices. As per regarding Education Commemoration it is good that they are asking for the opinion of other who works with individuals with disabilities and how IDEA works out for them. As an individual who worked closes with PWD was great. I never had to question one’s opinion or reason for working side by side with my students. IDEA gave every child the right to a public education regardless what level of function they were at.

Anonymous said...

Since a lot of people rely on the internet for current news, events and happenings on a daily basis, its great to now that there are site anyone can go to, to check out disability civil rights information as well. Although many people now about these acts, there are people that may not know the in's & out's of these acts(ADA, Fair housing, Voting rights..etc.) as well.
"Office on Disability in HHS awarded Mathematica Policy Research Inc. a two–year, $7 million contract, funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)"
As far as the 7million that will hopefully go into judging whether certain programs/models work, pin pointing which one's do not and creating guidelines to help those who are in the field of rehabilitation will, I think, create more opportunity and more jobs in our field. Still, many people question what rehab counseling or Voc. counseling is, but if there is more research in these areas and guidelines or ideas on programs for pwd's, it may just help clarify the field to many while promoting it and creating a bigger need for these jobs that are needed to serve pwd's.

Eliana Mendoza said...

It's an awesome idea to have celebrated IDEA's 35th anniversary with stories and art work from those who were personally impacted by this legislation. I'm sure there are millions of adults now who have achieved milestones in their lives with the help of IDEA who perhaps would have either not achieved them at all or would have had great obstacles to get there. I'm sure those involved with the passage of this legislation who are still alive must have felt satisfied with all stories and art work submitted reflecting the impact of IDEA.

Anonymous said...

I think that by launching a new website for the Center of Excellence for Research on Disability Services, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is doing a great job that could improve the accuracy about services provided to people with disabilities. It is also a good opportunity to update all the research and theories used to assist this population as well as to improve models and techniques that will allow a successful rehabilitation outcome.
Alinka Del Castillo