Monday, July 7, 2008

Increasing Global Disability Rights

Kenya, Niger, Saudi Arabia, and China recently ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), joining a global community supporting legislative disability rights. The CRPD Convention was written in 2006. It supports individual autonomy, independence, non-discrimination and equal opportunities for people with disabilities.

CRPD ratification is an important first step toward a global climate of inclusion of people with disabilities. Many social and environmental challenges remain. UN organizers are now planning for International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3 December 2008, which will focus on the CRPD Convention.

Sources and Resources:


Anonymous said...

"Increasing Global Disability Rights" opened my eyes. After reading this summary, I read further by following some of the links. I had no idea that there was so much attention being raised as to be preparing for the Internation Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3 December 2008. As I continued to search I ran across the powerpoint presentation on the Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities written 2006. Having grown up with the after effects of polio I have run into many obstacles, but as many other postpolio victims, I tended to be an overachiever and pushed hard to overcome those obstacles. However, I have learned that there are many people with disabilities that did not have the advantages that I had and therefore have not had access to the things they need to reach there fullest potential academically, socially, etc. Through the awareness that is being provided through events such as setting aside a special day, people around the world can realize that ALL people have rights and should be afforded access to the same opportunities for school, work, and social interactions. I look forward to getting my Student Council members involved at our school in raising awareness for their fellow classmates so that we can promote respect and fairness for all.
Sylvia S.

Anonymous said...

i believe it is good at least some rights are extending to poor countries. it is good that now people with disabilties in africa are going to have some type of advantage and rights
Miguel S.

Anonymous said...

The third world countries are looking this with a positive attitute which will give a good boost to the people with disability living over there. I personally don;t feel that money is the only factor that make the person with disability happy and comfortable. Though money is important factor, people with disability with all kinds of facilities may feel uncomforable. It is really the Attitute of the fellow people that make all the diffrence in thier life.

But is encouraging to notice that third word countries are coming forward with some legislations, this clearly shows the change in attitute of people.


Anonymous said...

I am very ecstatic that not only do we as Americans are able to enjoy so many rights but that others are able to enjoy and even better that these rights are expanding to 3rd world countries. Hopefully other would take a stand and help support the Global Disability Rights.
Nohemi L.