Monday, March 2, 2009

Students with LD Denied Extra MCAT Time

CALIFORNIA--The California Supreme Court has declined to hear the case of four student with learning disabilities who filed a class-action lawsuit in 2004 against the Association of American Medical Colleges, administrator of the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). The students, who have various learning disabilities including dyslexia and attention deficit disorder had requested additional time and other accommodations on the MCAT but had been denied. The California Supreme Court's decision to not hear the case leaves an earlier ruling against the students in place. The AAMC case attorney notes, "This leaves in place the AAMC's ability to have a single, uniform policy for handling accommodation requests, regardless of the state in which the examinee is located". Three of the four students have since completed the MCAT and gone to medical school.SOURCE:Calif. Court Denies Extra MCAT Time for Students with Learning Disabilities


Anonymous said...

It is sad to see how people with learning disabilities are being denied to ask for accommodations for the MCAT. This is a great issue that should be handled immediately, since these people with disabilities are being denied. I hope that they can take this case to Congress to issue about the accommodations in California for the MCAT. I feel really sad for those four students who have yet to pass their MCAT and I hope that they may find a way how to address this issue to the state and Congress.

Anonymous said...

After reading this article and as well as the full length, I can't help but wonder why they would deny their specific accommodations. In elementary, jr high and high school, the districts make special accommodations for those that need it, given that they have a note from doctor explaining why they need that little extra help. I don't understand why they would not allow that, especially for such a exam as the MCAT. Even in college when it comes to mid terms and finals or any test for that matter, they have an office for people with special disabilities and people are sent over to assist them in any way needed. Funds are there for those who have specific needs, in this world we are trying to treat everyone just like anyone regardless of where they come from and what is seen. Denying certain people from doing what they love doing, should have never taken place. Everyone is given the chance at the life they want, the job they want, and anything else they may need, why now do they feel like they don't have to help those who need a little more. They are the ones paying for the test, at least listen to them and what they need.

Victoria G.

Anonymous said...

I see this as unfair and unjust, I don't understand why they would not give these students more time to be able to complete this test. These students have learning disabilities and should have been given more time to complete the test. These students just want to be able to complete the test to be able to go into the profession they desire is it so hard to allow them time to complete the test no its not. If these students want to continue to fight this all they have to do is have people sign a petition and get a good amount of people on their side then take it back to court then the California Supreme Court will see that there are more people who are going to stand up for what they believe to be right and might actually win. People need to stand together and show that they will not give up without a fight.
R. Hernandez

Anonymous said...

I believe tests measures how much a person can remember and how much they understand certain material but I do not think it measures how well they can perform a certain job. The MCAT in this instance is a very prestigious test but accommodations would not be that much to ask for. Universities always make accommodations for students in classrooms trying to have everyone treated equally, why not make exceptions for this very important test for these students with disabilities.
Crystal S.

Anonymous said...

It really is not fair how these four students with learning disabilities were treated prior to taking the MCAT. Having dyslexia and ADD makes test taking very difficult. Knowing how difficult it is for these students with the disabilities, why did they deny their specific accommodations? I agree with Victoria G all throughout high school and even in college there are special accommodations provided for students with disabilities so they could have a chance just like students without disabilities at achieving their academic goal. Just because these students have learning disabilities does not mean they cannot perform the same tasks as any other students without these disabilities; they just need a little more time.
Sarah O.

Anonymous said...

It is really sad to see these types of dilemmas going on at such a high level, these students should be granted extra time due to their disability. It's not like they asked extra time to cheat; they asked extra time for logical reasons, and if they have proof of needing extra time, it should be granted. They should not be put at a disadvantage just because of their disability. Accomodations should be made for exams such as the MCAT, shame and pitty on the people denying accomodations for people with disabilities.
janet s.

Anonymous said...

Thats not right we need to be considerate and give them the accomodations that they need. PWD have other problems that they should deal with and they shouldn't give them more issues to worry about.If it is in our handsto help why shouldn't we.I do hope these students will be able to take the MCAT with their accomodations
Elizabeth M.

Anonymous said...

I’m astonished to hear that they can’t accommodate these individuals. Yet, they do provide the necessary help needed throughout elementary, middle school, high school, and college. So, why does this make a difference? Well, I’m happy that those students were able to pass that exam and show them that they could still do it.

~ Violet M ~

Anonymous said...

I thinks it is dumb not to grant people extra time on the MCAT. It shows how some people can still be ignorant even though there are so many laws that prohibit discrimination. If the student has studied enough to learn the material is ready to take the exam why not just grant him/her a little extra time to take the exam. The student knows the material, it isn't like if extra time will help him/her get a better score. The student shouldn't give up fighting sooner or later the extra time will be granted.
-Francisco N.-

Anonymous said...

It is unfair how they are being treated they should have gotten more time. These students just want to take the test to get better careers, something most people can't or arent able to do because of thier disabilities so they should have gotten more time.
Gerardo G.

Anonymous said...

I think that the fact that they were already aiming for the MCATs tells you a lot about the individuals' drive to succeed. I do agree with everyone about it being unfair. People who have any kind of disability deserve the right to accomplish their goals as much as everyone else does. I think that if they would have gotten more time to study, their score would have been a whole lot better. It is just sad to think that they were deprived of attaining the score that they justly deserve.
Mariel G.

Anonymous said...

I think that the fact that they were already aiming for the MCATs tells you a lot about the individuals' drive to succeed. I do agree with everyone about it being unfair. People who have any kind of disability deserve the right to accomplish their goals as much as everyone else does. I think that if they would have gotten more time to study, their score would have been a whole lot better. It is just sad to think that they were deprived of attaining the score that they justly deserve.
Mariel G.

Anonymous said...

I think that the fact that they were already aiming for the MCATs tells you a lot about the individuals' drive to succeed. I do agree with everyone about it being unfair. People who have any kind of disability deserve the right to accomplish their goals as much as everyone else does. I think that if they would have gotten more time to study, their score would have been a whole lot better. It is just sad to think that they were deprived of attaining the score that they justly deserve.
Mariel G.

Anonymous said...

Victoria G. has some very insighful comments and I just wonder why people just talk and talk and not do anything? Where are our lobbyist for change? Who's emailing those state representatives that we voted in? Who's advocating for PWD? What are you doing to make change possible? Veronica, throw this one out to the public and see how they respond. I am tired of talk talk talk - let's see action.
Diana F

Anonymous said...

I understand life isn't fair but in this case the students shouldn't be left to think that. All they are asking for is a little more time to finish a test. Tests measure how much you know not whether you can finish in a certain amount of time. Time only adds to the pressure of remembering all that you need to know for the exam.
Vanessa M.

Anonymous said...

it is not fair, that these student should be denied such an accommodation, they have come this far what will it cost the exam cordinators just a little extra time? for them finish the MCAT, I agree with other writers that all through high school and even in collages there are special accommodations provided for students with disabilities so they could have a chance just like students without disabilities at achieving their academic goal. Test taking is diffcult on is own, talk less of when one has learning disability.
Anthonia. F.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion I think that the University is at fault by not accommodating the students with disabilities when they took the test. If the University knows they have a learning disability they should be given the chance to finish it at least. I agree with the other comments posted that It is sad to see that people with learning disabilities are being denied extra time to finish a test that they are required to take for their profession.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone, this is very unfair. People will disabilities should be given more time to complete the MCAT. They have the right to accomplish their goals even if it means they need more time. The MCAT or any other tests measure your knowledge, not on the time it takes a person to finish a test. I am glad that the students passed the exam and proved them they were able to do it without the extra time.
Daphne J.

Anonymous said...

I can not understand why these students are being denied a right to have a time extention on their test. If they are diagnosed with a learning disability and it affects their test taking skills then they should be allowed more time.
Shannon L.

Anonymous said...

After reading this article I am not surprised as in our society we are still not ready to accomodate the persons with any kind of disability with open arms and with open heart. Although we claim a lot. We all shall make a point to raise such issues with legislatorts and with society, we have come a long way but needed a lot. We shall try to educate the society as whole regarding people with different disabilities,as i myself had some diffrent views /misconsepctions regarding different disabilities.
This problem need to be addressed on the spot.
It is sad that so learned people also can not undersand the factual position of people with disabilities.

Anonymous said...

I believe that what the MCAT coordinators did to the students was wrong by not giving them the extra time or the necessary accommodations because of their disabilities. I also believe that what the California Supreme Court is doing by declining the hearing of the four students is wrong it is not fair that they were denied the proper accommodations.
I am glad that three of the four students are attending medical schools.Moreover I hope that the California Supreme Court reconsiders and hears their case and the MCAT coordinators get punished for denying them proper accommodation.
Brenda Hernandez Case Management 1

Anonymous said...

The whole idea of people with disability being denied extra time one anything is ridiculous. People with dilatability in our school have the right and accommodations for extra time. They get help if needed and it’s not a bad thing. Being denied time is wrong and I hope major people address this issue immediately. What I am glad of hearing in this article is one of the individuals got to finish their MCAT and got into medical school that just puts a smile on my face. I also feel bad for other individuals that have a bump in the road that is in their way of accomplishing their goals. But justice will be served.

Krystal R.

Anonymous said...

After reading this article and can't believe how people can be so mean. In this case this is not fair to those students being denied special accommodation for the MCAT. Many people here in America have a disabilty and being taking rights from people with a disability it not fair. These students just want to pass this test so they can go on to do their profession and i believe if they need any type of accommodations they should have it because they aren't hurting anyone.
Eliazet G

Anonymous said...

Every school i have attended has always included information on how any student who requires an accommodation should report it so it can be issued. Not allowing these students to have some extra time on their MCAT because of their learning disability is ridiculous. They should have been given that extra time because their learning disability makes it more difficult for them to read quickly and answer quickly. I really hope something like this doesn't continue to happen because it is just unfair and they should be given a chance to excel and use their intelligence. Priscilla F.

Anonymous said...

I personally think by the court dening extra time for the students with disabilites was unreasonable. They should have given more time for them to study. These students were asking for special accomedations and wasnt given. I think that the court of California handled this case the wrong way.
Vanessa G.

Anonymous said...

I cant say i agree with most of the people who commented. I am 100% in favor of reasonable accommodations. But i also understand that the job/role/requirements for being a doctor are highly demanding and stressful. I believe that the standards and regulatory policies are set for a reason. And those reasons are to filter out those who can not work in that enviorment. 3 of the 4 students passed the test without accommodations, they passed the first of many tests...what does that tell you???? They really didn't need the accommodations, they passed it on their own!!!


Anonymous said...

As I read the article, I was surprise to hear such even had happened. I would figure that it is a medical admission test and they would be more understanding of the accommodations that are required to equalize the playing field. As for the three students who are now in mecial school is great news, however we should not forget that this is an issue that should be addressed, because people every where are in need of accommodations and should at least be given a chance to be heard.
Paula S

Anonymous said...

I keep thinking to myself, "Why would they deny them accommodation?" If they provided accommodations for them before the MCAT, then why not provide them what they need. They have gotten this far and I believe they deserve the accommodations. It's hard to believe that the California Supreme Court declined the request.
Lizette g.

Anonymous said...

Where does the "no discrimination policy" go from here. This should not have happened to these four students or to anyone. Its sad that not even the Supreme Court wanted to hear the case. Where have pwds rights gone? Its unfair that this went on. Extra time and accomodations are always given, so why couldnt they do it this time too. Its nice to read that three of them still went on to medical school, but someone still needs to stand up and fight for more equal rights.

Diana O.

Anonymous said...

I am all for equality such as people should wait in line just like everyone else and everyone should get the same amount of time when completing a certain task. Howerever, there is an exeption to the rule and these students are it. People with disabilities should be given special accomodations if requested and if those students needed extra time to complete such an important test then the administrators should of given them the extra time they needed to finish.
-Berta J.

Anonymous said...

It is overwhelming to know that after everything that has been done to defend and implement the rights of the people with disabilities; and after divulgating it by saying that their rights will be protected by implementing special accommodations when needed there are still some people or places like the MCAT that denies to assist people with disabilities when they should be the ones assisting and complying to the needs of the people with disabilities. Esly B.

Anonymous said...

This should be taken care of now. People with learning disabilities are being denied for MCAT accommodations. I don't understand why these accommodations cannot be made for these students being that this is a very important exam for students. If universities allow such accommodations to be made during exams, I don't see why this is being such a big issue for the MCAT. These people with specific needs should be allowed to have such accommodations.

Roxanna A. said...

I have to agree with everyone, it is unfair not to make special accommodations for these individuals that need it. The test isn’t about how fast you can finish the test, but rather how much you know. I think that the California Supreme Court should have heard this case. Although the Court declined, the ADA did provide a more detailed description as to what is disability, which in the further hopefully PWD won’t be denied special accommodations when it comes to testing.

Anonymous said...

I also agree with everyone. This is a great issue that requires much attention.This is very unfair and unjust, why would these students be discriminated in such a way? They should all fight and sooner or later the extra time will be given.
Y. Torres

Anonymous said...

It is terrible nes to hear that this students with a disability gor denied to ask for accomodations for the MCAT. I belive in equal rights and they should make accommodations to help people with a disability.

Jeannette O

Anonymous said...

Well this is horrible. It is not fair that these students were denied extra time. They should be given the same chance to do their best in the MCAT like the other students. NOT COOL!
Andrea H.

Anonymous said...

why are people with disabilities denied of special services and rejected specially from education. we are suppose to be taking care of our people and making things easier for them. this is a discrimination problem how sad for those who are making this difficult for our people with disability.

jacklyn g.

Anonymous said...

It is sad that this country prides itself as the country for equal oppurtunitiesa and rights and then the heads of our country pull a ridiculous ruling such as this. A student should not be denied the rights to take a test the way it suits their needs. Who is to say that a person with dyslexia cannot perform better than the next person; just because they cannot finish a written exam? Issues like this infuriate me because I personally do not do well on written exams but that does not mean I am unqualified to do the job. People with learning disabilities could be the best doctors in the world and they should not be denied that just because they cannot finish a test.
Aaron G.

Anonymous said...

people with learning disabilities should b accomadated in any way possible. i dont think that is fair to them.. i had a class with a person with a disability. he asked for some special accomadations and they did it for him. why cant the do it for them?it is the same thing.

justin r.

Anonymous said...

It is sad to know this because everywhere else this is a special accommodation for the people who need it. It’s just very sad because this is a very important test for the four individuals who need to perform this test. Hopefully this can be addressed soon so they can do what they need to do.

Evelyn A.

Anonymous said...

Accomadations should have been made. A test like this tests the student's knowledge on the field. If these students were sitting for it, then it means that they were prepared for it, and their grades would be proof of it. Additional time does not make up for the knowledge you lack, and is not going to appear right answers on your test. So why not give them the additional time they had requested? Anyways, those students showed them that they can make the most out of situations like this. Way to go guys!
-Sergio M.

larryarms said...

and when they become doctors and somebody's life is on the line..... sorry couldn't think fast enough- as the patient dies because the doctor is a tard. the mcat doesn't test what you know. it tests more of how you think and your reasoning abilities. i have an LD and i don't think you should get extra time to take it. you cannot compare the MCAT to all the other exams people are comparing it to. the MCAT gets you into medical so you can become a doctor! you have peoples lives in you hands everyday. if you need more time to take the MCAT then you will need more time diagnosing or reacting in a given emergency."Sorry, your wife died. i could have saved her but i couldn't think of what to do.... but it's cool; i have an LD."

Anonymous said...

mcat is a test of time and if you have enough time you can easily get 45. you do not need too much outside information for mcat. you only need very basic physic, chem and biology. And answer FAST and I mean very fast. It is a race of time. if you are unhappy change the test for everyones sake!

Anonymous said...

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Medical Schools Sacramento said...

The need of the time is spending more budget on the educational system just because of the survival of the community. this blog is really informative because it facilitate the users with the information about the mcat. there are different sites that can be used to get the knowledge.we mustu be more concious and dedicate the attention toward getting the knowledge..

Elvia Susana Prieto said...

After reading this article I still do not understand why the students were denied the accommodations they requested for the MCAT. They just asked for extra time, not to have the test changed completely. Seeing that there are people that do not get this is really frustrating. They had the right to get those accommodation in order to accomplish their goal, which is to go to medical school. They are basically sayin that if you have a learnind disability, then you can't take the MCAT because accommodations can't be made. I just hope that next time there is a student who wants to take this exam and who has a disability is able to get the proper accommodations.